NASA Nutrition Doctor Reveals:

THIS Is The #1 Worst Breakfast For Your Heart

Before you take another bite, read this page for the #1 heart health tip I give to all
my patients…

Hi, I’m Dr. Sam Walters, a former nutrition consultant for NASA.

If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or are worried about a heart attack or stroke…

Let me ask you a question.

Which Of These Do You Think Is The #1 Worst Breakfast Food For
Your Arteries?

If you’ve had a heart attack in the past…

Or if you have a family history of heart disease and are worried about your heart health…

Listen closely.

Because most people are shocked when I tell them the answer.

Take A Look At This Popular Cereal Brand:

The marketing promises to lower your cholesterol as part of a heart-healthy diet.

But nutrition labels don’t lie.

Flip it on its side, and you’ll see:

The first 4 ingredients are whole-grain oats, corn starch, sugar, and salt.

And oats, believe it or not, are a food that’s meant for horses to fatten them up as quickly as possible.

I’ve seen so much misinformation out there on oatmeal being a heart-healthy breakfast…

But the sad truth is…

It’s terrible for your arteries. 34

Deceptive Marketing Is One Of The Reasons Why Heart Disease Is The #1 Killer Of Men & Women In America

And if you’re wondering…

“Dr. Sam, what about bacon? And hash browns? Are those safe for my heart? And what breakfast foods SHOULD I be eating?”

For that, you’ll have to understand that virtually everything you’ve been told about your heart has just been shown to be totally backwards.

Because brand new research out of The University of London shows that clogged arteries are not caused by eating too much saturated fat or cholesterol. 1

It’s not caused by smoking or alcohol…

Or eating too much salt or red meat.

This ground-breaking new study shows that clogged arteries - and the heart attacks and strokes that follow - are linked to a build-up in your blood called Clotting Factor 7.

This Build-Up Can
Lead To Arteries Being
70%… 90%… Or Even
100% Blocked

In just a moment, I’ll share what this build-up is and how you can flush it out of your arteries without a single prescription drug.

I’ll share what the #1 best food for cleaning your arteries is (hint: it’s NOT fish, but it does contain what I believe to be the single most powerful nutrient for protecting against heart attacks and strokes… which 90% of Americans are deficient in)…

I’ll reveal why taking fish oil or even krill oil for your heart is as good as throwing money down a toilet…

And I’ll show you a simple way you can stabilize your cholesterol, triglyceride, and blood pressure levels and flush your arteries clean in just 7 seconds a day.

Stick with me, and I promise I’ll share all of this information and more right here on this page…

In just a moment.

My name is Dr. Sam Walters.

I’m A Former Nutrition Consultant To NASA Who’s Been Practicing Medicine For The
Past 50 Years

Dr. Sam Walters

Naturopathic Medical Practitioner

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Bio-Nutrition, a Master of Science with a concentration in Clinical Nutrition…

And a Naturopathic Medical Degree from Columbia College, MI.

I’ve been featured on CBS, ABC, NBC, and Fox News…

And I used to develop food products for an aerospace program at NASA to help keep astronauts’ hearts healthy in space.

After lecturing and consulting at world-renowned institutions all over the globe and helping more than 68,280 men & women overcome chronic health issues…

I’m lucky enough to be considered one of the top heart health experts in the world.

Which is why I rushed to create this page when this new research hit the medical community like an earthquake…

Shaking the foundations of what we know about how arteries become blocked.

In short…

I Need To Share This Information With The World As Soon As Possible

Because despite all of our medical advances, clogged arteries are still the leading cause of death in the world.

Heart attacks, strokes, and other heart problems kill over 17.9 million people each year, which is a THIRD of all global deaths. 2,3

That’s more people than ALL forms of cancer… combined.

It’s also more people than murder, war, car accidents, diabetes, drug overdose, and suicide… combined.

The death toll is so high that every 2 seconds, a man or a woman somewhere in the world drops dead. 2,3

And the scariest part is…

Blocked Arteries Are A Silent Killer, Quietly Growing Inside Your Body

You never think it will strike you down, until it does.

That’s why you should NEVER ignore these 3 Heart Attack Warning Signs.

Heart Attack Warning Sign #1 is if you have high cholesterol, high triglycerides, or high blood pressure. 42-44

These are like the “check engine light” for your arteries…

A red flag that this silent killer could strike at any moment.

Heart Attack Warning Sign #2 is if you have a family history of heart problems or if you’ve already had a heart attack in the past. 45,46

This could mean your arteries are already up to 90% BLOCKED…

And are in desperate need of cleaning.

And Heart Attack Warning Sign #3 is if you have physical symptoms, like:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Tightness or discomfort in your chest
  • Or getting lightheaded or dizzy doing physical activity 47

If you feel like you’re walking on eggshells…

Unable to walk up the stairs, ride a bike, or play with your grandkids without feeling out of breath…

I recommend taking immediate action.

And I don’t mean taking CoQ10, eating salads, exercising, or avoiding red meat.

New Research Shows That When It Comes To
Lowering Your Risk Of Heart Attack Or Stroke…

There’s One Thing You Can Do
That’s Far
More Important

Let me explain.

If you want to keep your arteries and your heart healthy well into old age…

The first thing you need to understand is how heart attacks happen.

For years, the big food industry blamed it on red meat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.

But if you look at the facts, the evidence just doesn’t add up.

For example…

India has the lowest meat consumption in the world…

Yet they’re one of the top countries for heart attacks - which kill an astounding 1 in 4 citizens in India. 48

On the other hand…

Hong Kong Has The Highest Meat
Consumption In
The World

Yet They Have The Highest Life
Expectancy In The World

People there live on average to be 85 years old - which means HALF the population live to be even OLDER! 49

France has the highest animal fat consumption in all of Europe.

They also have one of the lowest rates of heart problems. 50-52

Argentina has the highest meat consumption in all of South America.

They have one of the world’s fastest-decreasing rates of coronary heart problems. 53,54

Big food companies have blamed heart attacks and strokes on bacon, steaks, eggs, butter, alcohol, smoking, and everything else under the sun…

Yet none of our medical solutions - including statins and other blood pressure drugs - have slowed down the skyrocketing rates of heart problems in our country.

As a medical doctor specializing in nutrition…

My big question was: WHY?

The Answer Lies In A Ground-Breaking New
Study Out Of The University Of Vienna8

That Discovered There’s A Direct Link
Between Heart Attack Risk And A Buildup In
Your Blood Called Clotting Factor 7

Clotting Factor 7 is a protein your body makes to heal small wounds in your arteries.

It’s kind of like a scab for your skin…

Except inside your blood vessels.

Now normally, Clotting Factor 7 is part of a normal, healthy response…

But if too much of it builds up, it can become a silent killer.

Here’s why.

Your arteries are like pipes.

And just like the pipes in your toilet or sink, they can get clogged.

You’ve probably seen hair clog up your shower drain because it’s long and gets in tangles.

Well, Clotting Factor 7 is exactly like that, except for your arteries.

Clotting Factor 7 is a long, sticky protein - one of the stickiest in your blood.

If you look at its molecular structure…

It even LOOKS like a tangle of hair. 4

Just Like How Long Strands Of Hair Can
Start A Clog In Your
Shower Drain…

Clotting Factor 7 Starts Clogs
And Blockages In Your Arteries

These nasty tangles can snag other cholesterol, triglycerides, and other particles…

Causing “pile-ups” in your arteries.

That’s why people with clogged arteries often see their cholesterol and triglyceride levels shoot through the roof.

There’s less and less space for your blood to flow…

Which causes higher and higher blood pressure.

If this continues…

These clogs can completely block an artery.

And THAT’s when catastrophe strikes.

If a clog happens in your brain, you get a stroke.

If a clog happens in your heart, you get a heart attack.

Scientists have all sorts of fancy names for clogs in other parts of your body…

Like “pulmonary embolism” for a clog in your lungs or “deep vein thrombosis” for a clog in your legs.

But the end result is the same.

Whatever Area Of Your Body Blood Flow Is
Blocked To Dies Without Oxygen And Nutrients

Thanks to a slew of new studies, we now know:

It all leads back to too much Clotting Factor 7 in your blood. 8

The proof is shocking. 5-7

Researchers at the University of Vienna found when combined with other factors, high levels of Clotting Factor 7 in your blood leads to an astonishing 50-fold increase in your risk of heart attack. 8

Another study published in the Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology journal followed 2,780 middle-aged men around. 9

During the few years of the study, 130 of these men had a heart attack…

And researchers found that the men who had heart attacks had significantly higher levels of Clotting Factor 7 in their blood. 9

Doctors from the Northwick Park Hospital in the UK found that high levels of Clotting Factor 7 in your blood…

Is linked to an 84% increased risk of heart attack. 10

In other words…

The Higher Your Levels Of Clotting Factor 7, The
Higher Your Risk
For Heart Attacks
And Strokes

When news of this discovery spread through the medical community…

One question echoed in my head.

Could Clotting Factor 7 be the answer to the epidemic of heart problems we see today?

Because if there was a way to flush it out of your arteries…

You could potentially save thousands… if not millions of lives lost to heart attacks and strokes every single year.

The answer, as you’ll soon see, is YES.

And it lies in my #1 secret to a healthy heart:

What I call the missing omega.

Now you’ve probably heard of omega-3s before and that they’re good for your heart.

But then why do so many men & women who take these products still have heart problems…

Like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides?

Well, New Research Shows That
It’s Because We’ve Been Taking
Incomplete Omegas
All Along

Let me explain.

If you pick up a fish oil or krill oil from your local grocery store, it primarily contains 2 kinds of omega-3s:

EPA and DHA.

However, scientists recently discovered that there’s another, more powerful omega called DPA…

And this missing omega is actually the one responsible for most of the heart health benefits previously attributed to EPA and DHA.

Here’s the shocker…

This new research found that the missing omega DPA is 8X times more effective than traditional omega-3s. 11-12

Scientists at the University of Minnesota Department of Medicine tested DPA versus traditional omega-3s in a group of 42 men & women…

And what they found was mind-blowing.

Taking Just 1 Capsule Of DPA Is Like Taking
8 Capsules Of Regular Omega-3 Fish Oil!

When compared to the group that took regular omega-3s…

Those who took DPA had 3X bigger reductions in triglycerides…

145% bigger reductions in total cholesterol…

And 4X bigger reductions in “bad” LDL cholesterol. 13

Here’s what’s even more astonishing.

A slew of new studies show that if you want to be heart-attack proof…

This missing omega just might be the #1 nutrient you should be taking every morning.

For example…

Researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health took blood samples and collected data from over 120,000 men & women. 14,15

Over the course of 11 years, 953 of these men & women had heart attacks, strokes, and other clog-related incidents.

When they looked at the data…

It was jaw-dropping.

The Higher Your Blood Levels Of
DPA, The Lower Your Risk Of Heart
Attack And Stroke… 14,55,56

Especially as you get older.

DPA also had a far greater impact than EPA or DHA (the traditional omega 3s) when it came to protecting people from heart problems.

A follow-up study from a university in Finland confirmed that DPA slashes your risk of heart attack by nearly HALF. 16

If that wasn’t enough…

Here’s the real icing on the cake.

Have you ever heard about the heart-attack-proof Eskimos?

A paper was published in The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, where researchers found something astonishing about the Eskimo population in northwestern Greenland.

Their rates of heart disease were 10 times lower than the rest of the world. 18

These Inuit Eskimos had one of the lowest mortality rates from coronary heart problems in any population researched, ever.

Naturally, scientists asked the question…

What Are They Eating That Protects Them
From Heart Attacks And Strokes So Much?

A research group from Emory University in Atlanta set out to uncover the secrets of this Eskimo diet…

They found that these Eskimos eat mostly seals, with an astonishing 39% of their calories coming from animal fat. 21,57,58

A majority of that… comes from seal meat.

Now as a medical doctor specializing in nutrition, I’ll admit even I was confused at first.

Why would eating a bunch of seal meat protect you from heart problems so well?

But when I looked at what nutrients are INSIDE seal meat…

My jaw hit the floor.

Seal meat has the #1 highest concentration of the missing omega DPA anywhere in nature. 22

Take a look at this data, collected from a research facility in Newfoundland:

As you can see, fish tend to have a LOT of the traditional omega 3s EPA and DHA…

But very little of the missing omega DPA.

Most fish have just 1 to 2%.

Now, take a look at the data from seal meat.

Many of the common seal species have 3-5% DPA content…

And here’s the real kicker:

The ringed seal - one of the most common species found in Greenland, where the Eskimos hunt and eat regularly - contains an astonishing 14.55% DPA content. 23

In other words…

One of the main reasons why heart attacks and strokes are so rare in the Eskimo population may be because they get more of the missing omega DPA than virtually any other population in the world.

The Real Evidence For The Heart Health
Benefits Of DPA Came From The Sad
Story Of What Happened To This Inuit
Tribe In Modern Times

Before their exposure to Western civilization…

They were absolute carnivores.

Virtually zero vegetation grows up in the Arctic…

So these Eskimos ate, on average, 400 grams of seal meat per day. 21-23

In other words, seal steaks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

But as Western civilization took more and more of their hunting territory…

The Eskimo diet changed to match Western diets, with more and more carbohydrates.

Wouldn’t you know it…

Greenland’s obesity rate doubled from 13% in 2003 to 27%
in 2014… 24

And when they started eating Western food, their heart attack rates became the same as the rest of the world. 24,25

Here’s the bottom line:

If you want to protect your heart…

Lower your risk of heart attack and stroke…

Promote healthy cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure…

If You Want To Live
A Long,
Healthy Life…

You Need To Be Getting The
Missing Omega DPA Every Single Day

Because up to 89% of people in the US are incredibly deficient in DPA. 35

You’re getting almost none from your diet.

You don’t get it from regular fish oil pills.

You can’t get it from a CoQ10 formula.

And you can’t get it from krill oil because krill do not produce the missing omega in practically any amount.

Which is unfortunate because as one of America’s leading heart experts and a former nutrition advisor for NASA…

I believe the missing omega DPA should be a required supplement for every single man & woman on the planet.

I think it’s even more important than your daily multivitamin…

Especially if you’ve had a heart attack in the past or a family history of heart problems…

If your doctor has told you that your cholesterol, triglycerides, or blood pressure is too high.

Or if you’re simply concerned about a potential heart attack or stroke in your future.

Here’s why.

The Missing Omega
DPA Powers Your
Natural Artery Cleaning System…*

It’s Essentially Like Drano™ For Your Arteries 26,59

Not only does this lower your risk for heart attacks and strokes… 14-16,55,56

This helps stabilize blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides. 13

In short, you turn the clock back on your arteries.*

I’m talking about the same blood vessels that feed life-giving nutrients to your entire body…

And if you flush your arteries clean, your whole body health improves.

That’s why the missing omega DPA has been shown to switch off inflammation all over your body… 27-28

Studies also show that DPA helps promote memory and focus… 27-28*

It even has incredible effects when it comes to brain aging. 27-28*

Here’s the bottom line:

I Believe The Missing Omega DPA Is
The #1 Best Solution For The Heart Health
Epidemic In Our Culture Today *

For a long time, this frustrated me because DPA is so rare and hard to manufacture…

So I didn’t have an easy and cost-effective way to provide it to my patients…

Today, that all changes.

You see, on top of being a full-time practicing physician, I also serve as the lead medical advisor for a nutraceutical company called PhysioTru.

My mission for the last several months has been to work together with our world-class team of formulators to bring you one of the only complete omega-3 supplements on the market…

A High-Grade Fish Oil That Contains
The Missing Omega DPA

Our goal was to use wild-caught American fish with a whole process run right here in the United States…

And to ensure every capsule you take is of the highest purity.

This process is expensive.

Most supplement companies won’t go this extra mile for their customers, but we insisted on it.

Last but not least, we wanted to keep your new fish oil available at a price that still makes it a no-brainer, even if you’re on a fixed income such as social security.

So did we pull it off?

I’m happy to say my team and I have succeeded far beyond what we could have imagined.

We are proud to have created a breakthrough formula that I’m sure you’ll agree is the absolute best source of all 3 essential omegas.

And I don’t make that statement lightly because even after practicing medicine for all these years, I have never seen a fish oil or krill oil that checks all the boxes.

So what’s the name of it?


Physio Omega

The Complete Heart Health Formula With All 3
Essential Omegas, Including The Missing Omega DPA

If you have high cholesterol, triglycerides, or blood pressure…*

If you have a family history of heart problems…*

Or if you’re just concerned about your heart and want to keep your arteries as
clean as possible…*

Physio Omega is for you.*

To the best of my knowledge, it’s the only complete fish oil on the market with all 3
essential omegas…

Including the missing omega.

While most fish and krill oils contain little to no DPA…

Physio Omega has a whopping 60 milligrams of DPA with each serving.

For good measure, we’ve also added 280 milligrams of EPA, which is good for reducing inflammation… 27,28

And 240 milligrams of DHA, which is good for brain health. 27,28

As a testament to how high-quality Physio Omega is, consider this:

I Can Promise You That You Will Not Get
A Single Gross Fish Oil Burp

It’s something our past 45,670 customers have raved about.

Here’s why that’s so important…

Most fish oils on the market today come from a poop-infested pond.

If you get gross fishy burps with your fish oil…

It probably comes from an aquafarm that looks like this:

The fish swim in dirty, crowded, disease-ridden sewage water. 31,32

Bacteria and parasites run amuck.

40% of the fish have “sea lice” that look like this: 31,32

The fish are so crowded, they end up eating their own feces and their dead brethren.

Even fish that you eat in restaurants and that you buy at the store come from places like this.

That’s Why Most Fish Oils Have
Such Low-Quality Omega-3s…

And Why They Barely Have Any Effect
On Your Heart Health 60

Not to mention…

They’re incomplete because they contain almost none of the missing omega DPA. 22

So if your fish oil gives you gross fish burps - stay FAR away.

Because it’s a dead giveaway that the fish oil comes from one of these fish farms and contains rancid, spoiled oil.

Physio Omega, on the other hand, is sourced from fish who spend their entire lives in clean, natural water.

Atlantic Menhaden are one of the rare fish in the sea with extremely high amounts of the missing omega, DPA.

We catch them right here in the United States, in federally protected waters between Virginia and Maryland.

The Chesapeake Bay is federally regulated to keep these waters pure and free from mercury and other toxins.

As a result, it’s one of the cleanest stretches of water in the entire world, and the fish in it are extremely healthy.

All our fish are wild-caught. We follow sustainable fishing practices.

We Extract Their Oil In An FDA-Approved
Manufacturing Facility Nearby To Keep The
Omega-3s Fresh And High-Quality

As a result, I can confidently say you will NEVER get a fish oil burp with Physio Omega.

That’s what we’ve seen with our past customers.

They can confirm:

Comparing Physio Omega to other fish oils is like comparing wagyu steaks to hamburgers from McDonalds.

The proof is in the pudding:

Physio Omega has already helped over 45,670 men & women support clean arteries and healthy hearts.*

Take A Look For Yourself:

Take A Look For Yourself:

Arlene P. Verified Buyer

Reviewing : Physio Omega - 8 Bottles

Best Blood Test Results

“My husband and I started using Physio Omega about one month ago, and just last week we had blood tests that showed marked improvements in our blood cholesterols already.” **

Charles K. Verified Buyer

Reviewing : Physio Omega - 8 Bottles

Pain Relief

“I choose 8 bottles as a great savings for my back and joint pain relief. No more waking up every morning with stiffness, pain and soreness in my back and joints throughout the day. Instead I am more outgoing and active.” **

Gloria M. Verified Buyer

Reviewing : Physio Omega - 8 Bottles

Feeling Fantastic

“I was taking another Omega which was very good. However taking Physio Omega I notice I have more energy and sharper memory.” **

HM S.Verified Buyer

Reviewing : Physio Omega - 8 Bottles

Physio Omega Review

“Loved the Physio Omega product. I have been using it for several years and have been pleased with the results. My Cholesterol has dropped and there is no fishy taste like many of the other Omega-3 products. ” **

William B.Verified Buyer

Reviewing : Physio Omega - 8 Bottles

Cholesterol has dropped like a rock!

“I've been taking Physio Omega for 5 months now and I'm completely satisfied. Everyone who wants to get their cholesterol under control should take it.” **

These are real messages we’ve received from real people.

And all you need to do is to take two softgels of Physio Omega per day.

If you take it consistently, here’s what you can expect.

Within a day or two, you may notice a bump in your energy.

Imagine waking up feeling refreshed…

Without pain and discomfort in your chest…*

Without an aching back or stiff knees getting out of bed.

You could cruise through your day with more energy to go out to eat with your friends…

Spend quality time with your children and grandchildren…

Or do the activities you used to love because your joints feel so much better.

Imagine going in for your next doctor’s visit and seeing his jaw drop as he looks at your numbers…

“How The Heck Did You Fix Your Cholesterol
And Blood Pressure So Fast?”

He might ask.

Within a month, you may find that your memory, focus, and concentration have improved so much…

You can read, hold conversations, and do work with ease.

You could be more independent…

You could even go on a trip.

Best of all, you could have peace of mind, free from the constant worry of a heart attack or stroke.*

By 3-6 months, you could be feeling better than you have in 20 years…*

Turning the clock back on your heart, your brain, your joints, and more.*

And here’s the best part…

My prediction is:

The Longer You Take Physio Omega,
The Better You’ll Feel And The More
Dramatic Your Results Will Be *

This truly is a one-of-a-kind omega-3 supplement…

100% American-made, molecularly distilled to the highest possible purity, sustainably caught in clean American waters, and contains all 3 omegas, including the missing omega DPA, each in triglyceride form for maximum absorption…*

With every bottle produced right here in the United States in a clean, FDA-approved, temperature-controlled manufacturing facility.

If you’re wondering…

“Do omega-3s really protect me from heart attacks and strokes?”

… consider this:

  • Stanford University and Harvard Medical School found that just taking a tiny drop more omega 3’s can reduce your risk of a fatal heart attack by 30% 36,38,39
  • The University of California in San Francisco found that you can predict your risk for all-cause mortality from the omega-3 levels in your blood 37
  • The Saint Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Missouri, reports that omega-3s even help clear arterial plaque and atherosclerosis 40

At this point…

You may be wondering.

How Much Is
Physio Omega?

For that, let me ask you…

How much is your heart worth to you?

To me, good health as you move into your golden years is priceless.

And there’s no amount of money I wouldn’t pay…

Because this is the time you’re supposed to enjoy what you’ve spent your entire life building.

But if I HAD to put a price on it… consider this:

One heart bypass surgery costs on average $215,000… 41

Enough to buy the surgeon a nice new sports car.

According To CBS News, The Average Cost
Of A Heart Attack Is $760,000 33

That includes the hospital stay

The ambulance ride to the hospital…

The cost of chest X-rays, heart imaging, and an EKG…

And the prescriptions you have to take after.

The ugly truth is that medicine is a business - and YOU’RE the cash cow.

That’s why I am so passionate about this cause.

If Physio Omega helps you pay less - or even NONE - of that cost…*

I think it’s fair to say it’s worth that amount.

But don’t worry…

Today, you won’t have to pay $5,000 for a bottle of Physio Omega.

You won’t have to pay $997…

You won’t even have to pay $497.

The retail price of 1 bottle of Physio Omega (which is a 1-month supply) is just $97.

Now if you look in other places - that’s what a bottle could cost you.

But I know you’ve been very patient with me to sit through this long presentation.

That tells me you’re committed to supporting a healthy heart as you age.

And that’s why…

I Want To Offer You A Special Internet-Only
Discount On
This Page Only

If you grab a bottle of Physio Omega today…

We’re slashing a whopping 31% off the retail price - it’ll be just $67 a bottle.

And I’m gonna make it an absolute no-brainer for you.

If you try Physio Omega today, I want to send you FREE bottles.

Yes, that’s right.

Today - on this page only - if you grab yourself 2 bottles, I’ll send another bottle 100% FREE.

It’s essentially “3 bottles for the price of 2” and it saves you a handy $157 off full retail price.

And just wait…

I’m gonna make it EVEN better:

If you grab 4 bottles, I’ll send you 2 FREE bottles…

Which is “6 bottles for the price of 4” and it saves you an incredible $344.

The reason I’m giving you such a massive discount here is because the longer you take Physio Omega

The better you feel.*

Our Most Successful Customers Take
Physio Omega For Years And Have
Incredible Results

… essentially turning the clock back on their heart, arteries, and brain.*

That’s what I want for you…

So I want to make it as easy as possible for you to grab your share of Physio Omega before it runs out.

And I do recommend you hurry because this offer won’t last forever.

We’ve had men & women emailing us back asking us the next day for this discount - but that simply wouldn’t be fair to those who take action.

So right now is the time to act.

Click the button below to secure your bottles of Physio Omega now.

Changeable Image

Your Entire Order Of Physio Omega
Is Covered By A 60-Day Money-
Back Guarantee

As a medical doctor, I am so confident in this product that if you try it out and you are unsatisfied for any reason whatsoever

Just send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll refund you every penny with no questions asked.

Or you can call our professional, English-speaking customer support team at 1-888-332-9372 and they’ll help you right away.

You even get to keep the bottles free of charge.

All of this information will be on your receipt.

Which means there is zero risk whatsoever to giving Physio Omega a try right now.

Especially considering that this special internet-only offer is the lowest price you’ll find for Physio Omega, anywhere.

And if you order right now, we’ll keep you in our system as a VIP customer so when you order more bottles…

You’ll be grandfathered-in to this discount price for life.

These Bonuses Won’t Last Forever

And if you click away, I can no longer guarantee it will still be available.

So click the button below to grab your package of Physio Omega now.

When you do, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure order page.

PhysioTru has partnered with Visa, American Express, Discover, and MasterCard to process payments.

We also use the same 256-bit encrypted security that’s the gold standard for online payments, so your information is completely protected.

Once you’ve finished entering your shipping and payment details…

Simply Click The Big, Bright Button To Reserve
Your Discounted Bottles Of Physio Omega

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You’ll also receive a receipt within minutes, which includes all of our contact information in case you have any questions or need to return your order.

Now, as a doctor, I want to give you a very real warning.

If you’ve noticed any warning signs regarding your heart…

Like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or discomfort in your chest…

I recommend you take immediate action.

Heart problems are known as silent killers for a reason…

They can strike out of nowhere.

I’ve heard story after story of friends taken away while walking up the stairs…

While playing at the park with their grandchildren…

Even while driving to the grocery store.

I’ve seen it happen too many times…

And I don’t want that for you.

Here’s the bottom line:

I’ve Been In The Medical Field For
Over 50 Years…

And In My Opinion, Nothing Is As Targeted At
Supporting A Healthy Heart As Physio Omega *

Give it a try.

I’ve seen it do wonders for patients’ cholesterol, blood pressure, memory, focus, joints, and more.*


Physio Omega is the only formula I’ve seen that contains the missing omega DPA…

That’s sourced from wild-caught Menhaden fish swimming in clean, natural waters…

That’s a complete fish oil supplement with all 3 essential omegas…*

And it’s the only heart health formula that I would stake my entire medical career on.

So if you have high cholesterol, high triglycerides, or high blood pressure…

If you have a family history of heart problems…

If you’ve felt any discomfort in your chest or felt out of breath at all walking up the stairs or doing light physical activity…

Or if you just want to keep your heart strong and your arteries clean as you age…

I Recommend You Give Physio Omega
The Chance To Change
Your Life *

Especially because right now…

You can take advantage of this special internet-only offer

Where if you grab 2 bottles today, we’ll send you another bottle FREE.

Or if you grab 4 bottles today, we’ll send you another 2 bottles FREE…

A savings of $344!

This page is the only place where you’ll be able to grab these FREE bottles…

It’s the lowest price you’ll find for Physio Omega anywhere

And if you order right now, you’ll be grandfathered in at this price for the rest of your life.

It’s a no-brainer because you’re covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee…

Where you even get to keep the bottles.

In other words, there’s zero risk involved.

Which Means You Have Nothing To
Lose - And Everything To Gain

You have my personal guarantee that Physio Omega is unlike anything you’ve tried before.

What do you have to lose?

Give it a try today - you can thank me when you get results.

There’s no time to waste.

Click the button below to grab your bottles of Physio Omega right now, and I’ll see you inside.

Thank you for watching.

Thank you for your patience.

And thank you for taking a chance with us.

Click the button below to lock in your order now.

Until next time…

I’m Dr. Sam Walters…

And here’s to your health.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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“Hey Dr. Sam, I’ve taken other fish oil supplements, what’s different about Physio Omega?”

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That’s a really great question. Most fish oil supplements have two omega-3s inside: EPA and DHA. (Read more)

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“Hi Dr. Sam, what’s inside Physio Omega?”

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Take a look at the nutrition label : (Read more)

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“Do omega-3s really lower your risk for heart attacks and strokes?”

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There are over 23,000 peer-reviewed studies that show that omega 3s lower risk for heart attacks and strokes.* (Read more)

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“I’m excited to give Physio Omega a try - are there any side effects?”

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Physio Omega is made from safe ingredients.* (Read more)

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“Is Physio Omega really covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee?”

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Yes. Every order of Physio Omega is covered by a 60-day money-back guarantee. (Read more)

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“How fast will I see results?”

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Many men & women report feeling more energy the next day… (Read more)

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“How long will it take for my bottles to get to me after I order?”

Description Description

After you click the button below to choose your package of Physio Omega, you’ll be taken to a secure order form where you’ll input your payment info. (Read more)

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“How do I know this is not a scam?”

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Great question - it’s always better to be safe than sorry. (Read more)

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“Is Physio Omega available anywhere else for a lower price?”

Description Description

We only sell Physio Omega directly through this website for a few reasons. (Read more)

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Literature Cited




























































