NEVER Do THIS During A Heart Attack
(Increases Your Risk Of Death)

Category: Health


This FREE presentation reveals the truth about heart attacks, your risk of having one, and a simple way you can protect and maintain your heart health. What's revealed at the end though is the most surprising heart discovery of the 21st century, so be sure to watch this entire presentation!

Heart disease is the no. 1 killer in America, responsible for nearly 1 in 4 deaths according to the Center For Disease Control.

So what do the people with the healthiest hearts have in common?

It’s The Missing Omega. A landmark study by The Harvard School of Public Health analyzed the test results of over 30,000 people. They discovered those who had increased amounts of The Missing Omega in their system, had better heart health than those who did not. **

Doctor Sam Walters reveals the truth about heart attacks, your risk of having one, and a simple way you can protect and maintain your heart health in this free presentation. What's revealed at the end though is the most surprising heart discovery of the 21st century, so be sure to watch this entire presentation!