Fungus on your body, gross huh? Although it sounds gross, it is surprisingly common. Fungus is much more than just athletes foot or the little green spot women find under their acrylic. There are several ailments caused by a fungus that people don’t even realize. Instead, they just get the treatment for it and move on with their business. How do you you know when a fungus has taken over your body? Most signs are the most ignored because they're not life-threatening. Most are just annoying to deal with. Keep reading to find out what some of the most common symptoms are.
General Symptoms
General symptoms can really be easy to miss. They can include chronic fatigue, decreased libido, and loss of energy. Just being an adult can leave you feeling exhausted so it can be difficult to know the difference between the fungus draining you or just life.
Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Experiencing issues with bloating, gas, intestinal cramping, and constipation could be an indication that you’re being affected by a fungus.
Genitourinary Symptoms
Vaginal yeast infections and frequent bladder infections fit under these symptoms. This one is a little more evident. The keyword is yeast, which is often the result of antibiotic usage killing off your good bacteria.
Immune system issues
If you’re experiencing issues with your allergies, a weakened immune system, and/or chemical sensitivities then you will want to get checked out. Pay attention to the frequency and don’t just write it off as normal.
Related ailments
If you’ve suffered from conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, nail fungus, irritable bowel syndrome, …etc. in addition to the other symptoms listed, then it is likely that you are experiencing a fungus takeover.
It is important to pay attention to your body. So often people just assume that whatever is going on with them is common, so they get medication to treat the symptom. Meanwhile, the underlying issue is left to still grow.
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