7 Foods That Increase CANCER Risk

7 Foods That Increase CANCER Risk
When it comes to eating healthy, many people try their best when they're shopping for groceries. Unfortunately, some foods that are considered safe can lead to an increased risk of cancer. We look at seven foods that are best left off the grocery list.

Processed Meats

Processed meats such as hot dogs and bacon might seem harmless to the average person. Unfortunately, they're considered a carcinogen to the World Health Organization. One simple hot dog can increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent.

Farmed Salmon

Before arriving at stores, farmed salmon get treated with various carcinogenic chemicals. These chemicals, including polychlorinated biphenyls, are hazardous to the human body. If you're in the mood for a healthy alternative, head to the ocean and catch some fish.

Conventional Fruits And Vegetables

The vast majority of fruits and vegetables sold in stores aren't safe from cancerous pesticides. Some items that are filled with pesticides include strawberries, celery, and sweet bell peppers. People that eat organic fruits and vegetables have a lower risk of getting cancer.

Canned Foods

When it comes to canned foods, its packaging attributes to its high cancer risk. Each can include bisphenol A, which is normally found in polycarbonate plastics. Bisphenol A is known to causes problems such as obesity and diabetes. Frozen and fresh food are the best alternatives.

Microwaved Popcorn

Microwaved popcorn might be a great treat for watching movies, but this brings forth a ton of problems. The popcorn bag is coated in the cancerous perfluorooctanoic acid, which can also affect childbirth. The popcorn's flavoring features diacetyl, which can cause lung disease.

Refined Sugar

Refined sugar is the biggest cancer causing food on the market today. Found in packaged foods, this sugar feeds cancer cells more than anything else. Those looking for an alternative can try out maple sugar or birch sugar.


It's no secret that soda is completely unhealthy for your body. The beverage can cause tooth decay and obesity. Diet soda features aspartame, which boosts the risks of blood-related cancers. Carbonated beverages such as sparkling water and club soda can also increase cancer risks.

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