Every year, millions of Americans find themselves feeling overtaxed by their financial situation. Every time you check your bank account, more money is being lost to numerous taxes and bills. Unfortunately, the taxes aren't the only things going up. Financial burden can also increase the risk of a heart attack.
Dressed For Stress
The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg conducted a study to determine how connected our heart is to our wallet. 106 people who recently had heart attacks filled out a survey about their financial and mental state. 96% of individuals surveyed were discovered to have stress. 40% of that group discussed having severe stress from financial issues.
It's Growing Worldwide
With this study, researchers are aware this is becoming a global problem. "There is growing recognition that many developing countries are experiencing an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases of lifestyle such as myocardial infarction, and South Africa is no exception. Our study shows that psychosocial aspects are an area of cardiovascular prevention that deserves more attention," Professor Pravin Manga said in the study.
Heart attacks don't give anyone mercy. For those under stress, however, they can hit much harder. "We know that the depressed cardiac patient is at greater risk. We as clinicians need to identify them much earlier, so that they can be referred for appropriate intervention. Cardiac rehabilitation together with counselling and reassurance will play an important role as well," chairman of the SA Heart 2017 congress Dr. David Jankelow said in the study.
True To Your Heart
While stress is harmful, it's always important to take care of your heart. When it comes to your diet, make sure to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in your daily intake. Aside from foods, it's also important to exercise daily. Some perfect exercises fit for your heart include running and stretching. Financial situations come and go, but taking care of yourself should always be a top priority.