This Everyday Activity Could Be Harming Your Brain!

This Everyday Activity Could Be Harming Your Brain!

The majority of our lives are spent earning a living. We wake up to our alarms, eat a quick breakfast, get into our cars, and go through the motions of our — sometimes frustrating — morning commutes.

If you work a typical 9-5 within an office building, chances are you spend most of your time within the confines of your cubicle. Although this routine may seem relatively harmless, one part of it may be directly impacting the health of your brain.

Sitting Can Greatly Impact Your Health

It's no secret that remaining stationary for long periods of time can wreak havoc on your body. Sitting too long can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, as well as increased cholesterol, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Taking a seat constantly can also increase your risk of developing heart disease and even cancer, making this epidemic extremely serious.

The combination of 13 studies has shown that individuals that sit for more than eight hours a day without engaging in any physical activity encounter the same risk of dying as those who are obese or smoke.

Although we are aware of the risks sitting has on your heart and your waistline, it has known been shown that the effects on your brain are just as detrimental.

Too Much Sitting Effects Brain Tissue

A study has recently revealed that sitting for too long can thin portions of brain tissue linked to memory. Although this research is still in the early stages, experts are weighing in on these profound findings.

"We found that sedentary behavior, but not physical activity, was associated with less thickness of the medial temporal lobe," stated Prabha Siddarth, a biostatistician at the University of California, Los Angeles' Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior.

The study involved 35 participants, ranging between 45 and 75 years old. Each participant was questioned about their daily physical activity as well as how much they sat every day for the past week. The results showed those who spent more time sitting were more likely to have thinning brain tissue.

Looking to lower your risk for Alzheimer's or dementia as you age? Getting up and getting moving may be the answer. Utilizing a standing desk at work or getting up from the couch to take a brisk walk can make all of the difference — especially as far as your brain health is concerned.

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