Tips for a Healthy Prostate You Can Put Into Action Now to Reduce Your Chances!

Tips for a Healthy Prostate You Can Put Into Action Now to Reduce Your Chances!

As we age, our chances of developing prostate cancer increase. More than 60 percent of prostate cancer cases are found in men aged 65 years or older. Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among American men, affecting approximately 1 in 9 men after the age of 40. There is no surefire way to prevent prostate cancer, but research suggests that there are some factors that you can keep an eye on to keep your chances down. Keep reading and we will share 10 prostate cancer prevention tips that you can act on right now to start reducing your risks!

What is Prostate Cancer?

First, for those of you who don't know, the prostate is an organ found only in men that lies beneath the bladder. It operates as a switch between urination and ejaculation, an accessory gland to the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer is caused by cells that grow out of control in the prostate.

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is very rare in men under the age of 40. Most prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men over the age of 50. old age, family history, and race can all contribute to prostate cancer. Other risk factors include a diet high in processed meat, red meat, and milk products. Having a first-degree relative with the disease also doubles or triples the risk of getting prostate cancer. There are a few prostate cancer prevention tips that you can act on right now to help you reduce your chances of getting it.

Symptoms to Look for:

Pelvic or rectal discomfort Having a hard time urinating Urine or sperm containing blood

Tips for a Healthy Prostate

For men under 40 years of age, the risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer is very slim. But because some of the prevention tips that have been found to decrease your risk being diet and lifestyle relared, it's never too early to start being proactive in avoiding the risk. These tips for a healthy prostate will help you avoid the risk of getting prostate cancer:

Eat Whole Grain When You Can

When you buy bread, pasta, and cereal, try to choose whole-grain varieties.

Cut Down on Sugar Intake

Try to avoid sodas, sugary fruit juices, and other sugar-sweetened drinks. Save sweets as a treat now and then.

Cut Down on Salt Intake

Try to go with foods that are low in sodium and limit the use of canned, processed, or frozen foods when you can.

Watch Portion Sizes

Try not to pig out when you eat. Eat slow and only eat what you need to keep going and try to substitute a meal with a healthy fresh fruit smoothie, when possible, to offset your diet with something that will be good for you and not weigh you down.

Eat More Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients and vitamins that may lower your risk of prostate cancer. Cancer-causing substances called carcinogens are broken down by compounds found in green vegetables.

Eat Soybeans and Drink Tea

Studies have linked the consumption of isoflavones with a lower risk of prostate cancer. Peanuts, chickpeas, lentils, alfalfa sprouts, and tofu are all sources of isoflavones.

Watch Your Fat Intake

A 2014 study notes there may be a link between animal fats and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Cheese, lard, and butter are all sources of animal fat. Use plant-based fats instead when possible.


Folate rich foods include green vegetables, beans, whole grains, and fortified breakfast cereals. The American Cancer Society recommends getting adequate amounts of folate through eating a variety of these foods. Steer clear of man-made form of folate, (folic acid) as it may increase the risk of cancer.

Drink Coffee

Drinking three cups of coffee each day can lower your risk of fatal prostate cancer by 11 percent. Just be careful about how much coffee you drink if it is not decaffeinated. Over 4 cups a day of regular coffee is dangerous for your health due to the caffeine in it.

Stop Smoking

Smokers also have a higher risk of dying from prostate cancer. Prostate cancer patients who smoke are more likely to have a recurrence of the disease.

Exercise Regularly

Being overweight and obesity are associated with an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer. You can maintain a healthy weight by exercising regularly.

Visit the Doctor Regularly

Ask your doctor about your risk of developing prostate cancer. If you are over the age of 40, make sure that your doctor knows that you are taking a preventative stance against prostate cancer. Bring up your family history of cancer, your dietary recommendations, and any screenings that you should take if he doesn't bring it up himself.

Prostate Cancer Prevention Tips - Final Thoughts

Some men just have a higher chance of prostate cancer due to their family history of cancer and other uncontrollable factors. In cases like this, there is not much that you can do about it. But if you can start early using these prostate cancer prevention tips early on, you can most likely reduce your chances drastically before you reach age 60. If you believe that you may be at risk, it's always a good idea to go get checked. Going to the doctor is never a bad idea.

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