Will Warm Weather END The Virus?

Will Warm Weather END The Virus?
A lot of information has been circulating regarding COVID-19 and unfortunately, some of that information is false. You may be wondering whether or not warmer weather is going to be able to stop the spread of COVID-19. The President, among others, have mentioned that warm weather could bring about an end to the virus. So, are you going to have to worry about COVID-19 once the weather becomes warmer? The short answer is: it's complicated. Experts have stated we aren't sure how COVID-19 will respond to heat. In fact, many experts believe that the nature of the virus that causes COVID-19 will not succumb to heat or be affected by it at all. If they see a fluctuation in the numbers of positive cases, other factors are likely at play. There was speculation, by many, that because the SARS virus declined during the warmer months that we may see the same with the current virus. However, they are different, as experts caution. They also caution that, during these times, it's important to follow the guidelines set forth by experts as this virus is new and its trajectory is unknown. Epidemiologists and scientists are studying this new virus, coming up with solutions, and attempting to avoid casualties. To be clear, once again, warmer weather will probably not kill this virus. Warmer weather may have no impact whatsoever on it. However, due to the increased sunshine and people getting out and naturally increasing their Vitamin D levels and immune systems, there is hope. Still, it is best to continue to take precautions. Especially, if you have underlying health issues, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

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