Physio Omega
Why Did I Decide To Create The Heart Healthiest Fish Oil in America?
How My Father's Heart Attack Sent Me On A Lifelong Mission To Discover The World's Heart Healthiest Nutrient
Hi, my name is Jim Labadie. That's me and my father at Thanksgiving this past year. Fortunately for both of us, he's still alive all these decades after his heart attack.
You see, when I was just 16 years old, my dad had that heart attack. I remember it like it was yesterday.
It was around 10:30 and I was just falling asleep when I was woken up by flashing lights outside of my bedroom window. I hopped up to see what was going on, and quickly realized the paramedics were coming into OUR house.
The next thing I knew, there was my father, gray as a ghost and strapped to a gurney, being taken down the second floor stairs.
At the time, we didn’t know it was a heart attack. He was whisked away so quickly my younger brother and I had no idea what was going on.
Even crazier, he had been having a heart attack all day and didn’t even realize it. Finally, that evening the pain became unbearable and, thank God, he made it to the hospital in time.
Needless to say, it was the kind of night that never leaves you. And I knew from then on, I’d do whatever I could to help myself, and as many others as possible, avoid a heart attack.
That was the good that came out of it. But trust me, not only do you never want to be in that position, but it’s something you never want your kids or grandkids see happening to you.
So what happened next? Well, besides my father having been ok ever since, I went on a mission to find the heart healthiest nutrients known to science.
It’s what led me to work in the Fitness and Nutrition industry for over 20 years. To get my degree in Fitness Management from the University of Delaware, and obtain a certificate in Nutrition and Healthy Living from Cornell University.
But before I reveal the discovery all of that education and experience eventually led to, I want to share some sobering statistics with you.
Did you know that according to the American Heart Association, that every year 790,000 Americans suffer a heart attack?
That’s roughly one every 40 seconds.
Even worse, 114,000 of those are fatal.
And the majority of those heart attack deaths occur in people over the age of 65.
That’s 114,000 people that will never see their grandchildren grow up…
…that will leave their wife or husband all alone.
…that will never get to do the things in retirement they’d be waiting for all those working years.
And if you have a family history of heart attacks, that’s one more strike against you.
Now, there’s nothing you can do about your age or family history.
Those two things put the odds against you.
That’s why you need to look at a possible destiny with a fatal heart attack as a battle for life or death.
Are you going to sit back and wait for the grim reaper?
Or are you going to do what it takes to put the odds BACK in your favor?
I’m here today to pull back the curtain and reveal everything you need to know about the Harvard study that discovered the most important nutrient to have circulating in your bloodstream, if you want to avoid a heart attack that is.
And the heart healthy fish no one else seems to want you to know about which provides this nutritional miracle.
The nutrient is a unique Omega-3 Fatty Acid called DPA, and a tiny bait fish called Menhaden contains more of it than any other fish.
Those facts led my company, PhysioTru, to create Physio Omega, what we consider to be the heart healthiest fish oil. And we believe all of our 5 star reviews, which you’ll see in a moment, prove that.
But first…
That’s roughly one every 40 seconds.
Even worse, 114,000 of those are fatal.
And the majority of those heart attack deaths occur in people over the age of 65.
That’s 114,000 people that will never see their grandchildren grow up…
…that will leave their wife or husband all alone.
…that will never get to do the things in retirement they’d be waiting for all those working years.
And if you have a family history of heart attacks, that’s one more strike against you.
Now, there’s nothing you can do about your age or family history.
Those two things put the odds against you.
That’s why you need to look at a possible destiny with a fatal heart attack as a battle for life or death.
Are you going to sit back and wait for the grim reaper?
Or are you going to do what it takes to put the odds BACK in your favor?
I’m here today to pull back the curtain and reveal everything you need to know about the Harvard study that discovered the most important nutrient to have circulating in your bloodstream, if you want to avoid a heart attack that is.
And the heart healthy fish no one else seems to want you to know about which provides this nutritional miracle.
The nutrient is a unique Omega-3 Fatty Acid called DPA, and a tiny bait fish called Menhaden contains more of it than any other fish.
Those facts led my company, PhysioTru, to create Physio Omega, what we consider to be the heart healthiest fish oil. And we believe all of our 5 star reviews, which you’ll see in a moment, prove that.
But first…
What Is DPA?
At PhysioTru, we refer to DPA as "The Missing Omega." That's because you never hear anything about it compared to the more mainstream EPA and DHA Omega-3 Fatty Acids. It's only recently been discovered as a nutrient everyone needs more of.
Now, those two nutrients are super important, but DPA is the true powerhouse Omega. For instance, DPA is better absorbed into the bloodstream than either EPA or DHA. And that’s super important because DPA helps the Omega-3 fatty acids remain in your body’s system. Which is vital for your health.
Most impressively, a Harvard study of 32,000 people found that those with the healthiest hearts had the highest levels of DPA in their bloodstream! Most research studies are a few dozen or a few hundred people. But a study of this magnitude with tens of thousands of people proves just how powerful DPA is when it comes to protecting our hearts.
Doctor Recommended
"My doctor recommended Physio Omega around 2016 and I have been using this product ever since. There isn't any fish taste because of the purity of the product. I recommend Physio Omega for anyone looking for a high quality food supplement."
Robert W.
It Works
"I have purchased this brand three other times. This fish oil is the best I've found and I've tried a lot of brands but keep going back to this one. It keeps my numbers down which make my Dr happy. This has EPA, DHA and DPA which makes it a more complete blend of fish oil. I usually have trouble swallowing fish oil pills but this one go down smoothly. There is no fish burps or after taste."
Forever H.
What Can DPA Do For Your Health?
Reduced Risk of Heart Attack
DPA is so potent it can help prevent the blockages in your arteries that cause heart attacks and strokes - by up to as much as 40%!*
Lower Cholesterol
A potential reduction of "bad" cholesterol by up to 50% may be possible when taking DPA.*
Supplementing with DPA creates a healthy balance between the ratio of Omega-3 fatty acids to Omega-6 fatty acids in your body. Having too much Omega-6, which we consume too much of in our standard western diet, creates a highly-inflammatory level in our bodies. Inflammation which wreaks havoc on every system in our body. *
Joint Pain
By reducing inflammation, DPA will also help soothe crippling joint pain and allow for much better mobility. *
Improves Memory and Cognitive Ability
DPA can improve brain cell membrane structure, which aids in retaining memories. And reduces age-related declines in learning.*
And there are many more benefits, including eye and bone health, and improved sleep.
Don’t Take Our Word For It, See What Our Verified Customers Are Saying!
What Is the Best Source of DPA?
While there are other fish, including salmon, that contain small amounts of DPA, the absolute best source of this miracle Omega-3 is hands down the tiny Menhaden fish.
Not only does the Menhaden contain more DPA in its small body than any other fish, but there are other reasons it’s so important to make sure it’s where you’re getting DPA from.
First, it’s at the bottom of the food chain. This is crucial because it means they are not contaminated with toxic levels of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) and dioxins. Simply put, larger fish, such as salmon and cod - which are often used to make fish oil supplements - are oftentimes severely contaminated with those toxins.
But because the Menhaden is a bait fish and feeds on phytoplankton, they never ingest these health damaging toxins. So when you get your DPA from wild-caught Menhaden fish, like you do with Physio Omega, you need not worry if your fish oil is safe. It’s the highest quality and purest fish oil you can buy!
Second, they are wild-caught. The Menhaden used in Physio Omega is straight from federally regulated waters just off the coast of the USA. Which means they are never farmed fish. And as you may have heard, farmed fish swim are kept in nets, fed antibiotics and are much more susceptible to diseases.
Third, and very importantly, Menhaden are sustainably caught. Which means there is a limit to the amount that can be caught each year. They are a highly protected species, so you never have to worry about harming the fragile marine ecosystem.
How Else is Physio Omega Different From Other Fish Oils?
ONLY 100% Wild Caught Menhaden
Physio Omega ONLY contains one fish, and one fish only - wild caught Menhaden. When you look carefully at other companies that sell fish oil with DPA, they use a really sneaky trick. Sure, they contain some Menhaden, but they also use other, cheaper fish as well to cut costs. When you buy Physio Omega, you can rest assured you’re getting exactly what you paid for - DPA from wild-caught Menhaden.
Molecularly Distilled
To be absolutely certain any and all traces of heavy metals, dioxins or other impurities are removed, Physio Omega uses a process called molecular distillation. It’s just one more step we take to guarantee you’re getting the highest quality fish oil you can buy.
Triglyceride Form
There are two “forms” that fish oil is sold as. One is called Ethyl Ester, which is the cheaper production method. It makes the actual oil less bioavailable to your body. And worse, it is less stable and can lead to the product becoming rancid. If you ever have taken fish oil and get the “fish burps”, this is the reason why.
Physio Omega only uses what is called the Triglyceride Form. This is the naturally occurring form within the actual fish itself. It makes the oil the most bioavailable, so your body actually absorbs the DPA. And it doesn’t go rancid, which is exactly why you’ll never get a fishy aftertaste or fish burps when taking Physio Omega.
Additionally, because we only use wild-caught Menhaden and elite-level manufacturing processes, Physio Omega is also always:
Soy and Gluten Free
Toxin and Mercury Free
ZERO Fish Burps or Aftertaste
Best cholesterol supplement you can buy
They are the best Omega 3 you can buy. I subscribe to get these every few months. They have brought my cholesterol way down. My daughter is now taking them. If you have high cholesterol, this is what you want.
This Works!
This product has helped reduce my triglyceride numbers to normal levels, and it's so easy to take in the morning after breakfast.
Helen O.
As you know, when you go to the grocery store and buy organic produce, grass-fed beef or wild-caught fish, it’s more expensive than the unhealthier commercially raised alternative.
And that is the case with Physio Omega, since we ONLY use wild-caught and sustainably sourced Menhaden.
However, because we’re on a mission to protect the heart health of millions and millions of Americans, from time-to-time we have incredible special offers that are too good to pass up.
Now, because the incredible purity and potency of Physio Omega costs us an arm and a leg to produce, the regular retail price is $97.00. But as a very special offer for new customers only, today you can purchase a bottle of Physio Omega for just $67. That’s a savings of 31%.
But for the best price possible, you can order 8 bottles of Physio Omega today for just $24.95 each. That’s a massive savings of 75% - and you get FREE shipping!
To save even more, we highly recommend choosing Subscribe and Save. Not only will you save an additional 10% off your purchase, but we will ship a fresh supply to you so you never run out. Remember, 32,000 people in the Harvard Medical study showed those with the healthiest hearts had the highest amounts of DPA in their bloodstream. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you are always getting your DPA from the 100% wild-caught Menhaden fish in Physio Omega!
Additionally, when you choose to be a part of our Subscription program you will be grandfathered in for life at these prices! There’s no obligation whatsoever. You can cancel anytime, no questions asked.
Physio Omega
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At PhysioTru, we believe that no matter what our age, there are always GREAT years ahead of us. Physio Omega was specifically formulated to help you live that belief. And we hope you will join our growing family of believers.
Absolutely! We use advanced 256-bit encryption to process each order. When you place your order, all of the information (including your name, address, and credit/debit card details) is sent through a secure server to keep your personal data safe. If you prefer to order by phone, you can do so by calling 888-332-9372.
As a doctor, I understand that we are all unique when it comes to how our bodies can react to the same ingredients. So even though everyone can benefit from The Missing Omega and other Omegas found in Physio Omega, it’s true that results can vary. So, if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, I’ll promptly return your money, hassle-free…guaranteed. Remember: You’re protected with our 60 day, money-back guarantee!
There are several options you can choose from, but the majority of Physio Omega customers choose to maximize their savings by choosing the heavily discounted 8-bottle promotion when available. This saves you the hassle of re-ordering often and allows you to take advantage of the absolute lowest price today, and be grandfathered into this price for any time you order more in the future.
For best results, we suggest taking two Physio Omega gel capsules in the morning with a glass of water. The reason we suggest the morning is that although Physio Omega contains no caffeine or stimulants, many of our customers report having a natural boost in their energy levels, so taking it the morning guarantees you won’t forget and helps perk up your energy for the day. How Long Until I See And Feel Results? As a physician, I can tell you that you may see an increase in energy and less cravings within the first day or two. However, despite being a powerful formula that includes The Missing Omega, as with anything else, the more consistent you are with taking this formula, the better results you will see and feel. In my medical opinion, after three to four weeks, you should begin experiencing the maximum heart health support and benefits of taking Physio Omega, if you take the product each day. If you happen to miss a day, just continue as normal the next day.
Physio Omega is a formula in a class of its own because it contains a COMPLETE blend of the two most popular Omegas (EPA and DHA), along with "The Missing Omega" (DPA), each in triglyceride form for maximum absorption and maximum heart, energy, and health benefits. We've developed Physio Omega to have exactly the right amount of each ingredient in them to work together to guarantee you get the best results possible. On top of 280mg of EPA and 240mg of DHA, we've maxed out our DHA at 60mg because DPA is super-concentrated and able to make EPA and DHA more bioavailable in your body, so a little goes a long way.
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As with any dietary supplement, you should advise your healthcare practitioner of the use of this product.
PhysioTru Inc. is not associated with Harvard University.